Saturday, February 21, 2009


Before I begin, a simple question that I want to put forth. What would be the questions, if any, that someone would ask themselves before deciding which restaurant to set foot on?

1. Is the restaurant good?
2. How different is the restaurant?
3. Quality of food.
4. Service.

I guess these would be the basic questions which were answered when I recently went to a restaurant close to where I work. The only thing- the answers were least like what I had expected them to be.

When I entered the gent’s restroom, I found out that it was quite spacious and housed a loo junction, 2 closets and guess what?...A pantry. Yes. A Pantry, in case the hotel has to cater for an extra hungry overgrown hulk who is the ambassador for promoting obesity.

The Testimony - Please click on the picture for an enlarged view

The door was closed but that didn’t stop my thoughts rushing through my brain like it was on fire. Speculations on whether the door led to a food factory aside. Being a normal guy, instead of venturing into the “friendly” neighboring door pantry, I just walked out, paid my bill and left.

Being a major aberration from reality- I had my questions answered.

1. Is the restaurant good?
I’ve never felt this stupid… till now.
2. How different is the restaurant?
Definitely not something that I will see in any other restaurant in the eons to come.
3. Quality of food?
Food… From?
4. Service.
Hmmm…It doesn't matter when we are served a smiling human head on a platter.


Vivek said...

Which restaurant is this?
Did the Kitchen lie in the near proximity?
Why were the heads served on the platters smiling?
Imagine where your next mountain dew was coming from (SUGARFREE)?
The design of the pantry was well suited for a quick pick and drop off.
Don't ask for cutlets or anything fried.

Chiju said...

its something to do with u and restaurants.. :)

no no.. all places.. :)

Vibushan L Narayan said...

Please don't say it :)

so, basically Its got something to do with me, i guess :D

Jayaprasad said...

U can apply associative law here ..

REST (uarant+room)

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode when Poppie (the owner and chief cook) doesn't wash his hands after he uses the restroom! :-)